Planetshakers have come out with another album full of anthems for the church! Here’s our worship breakdown:
This is Our Time // If you’re congregation is into music that really pumps, this is a wonderful opener for your service. Word of caution though, you’re going to want to grab the backing tracks if you don’t have a keys player who is way (and I mean way) into what they do. There’s a lot of electronic music going on in this one. That said, it’s a lot of fun if it fits your congregation.
Joy // Joy brings with it the same kind of synth energy as “This is Our Time” while giving some fun riffs for your guitar and bass player. I really dig the chorus, it’s easy to catch on to and I think just fun to sing. The bridge is also something that will just keep your congregation moving. I’d recommend you pick up the backing tracks for this one as well though.
My Heart is Alive // The front portion of this album really just flows together. “My Heart is Alive” continues the energy of the first two songs and has a lot of fun guitar and synth stuff for your team. Again though, you need to look at the context of your church. I think you’d have a hard time trying to pull this one off with just an acoustic guitar for instance.
Leave Me Astounded // In typical Planetshakers fashion, we move into a female led ballad talking about the wonder of God. The chorus doesn’t offer much of a new lyric but it certainly is singable and speaks great truth.
Covered // “All of my sin is covered by your grace.” Such a simple yet profound truth. I’ve got a thing for 6/8 ballads but man this one is really easy to catch on to, a lot of fun for the team, and really builds. The recording breaks down to hear the crowd sing out which really shows the passion of the room the night they recorded.
Stronger that A Thousand Seas // This ballad sings out about the love of Christ conquering everything. It’s so important to remember that the people coming into your church every weekend are dealing with difficulties and need to be reminded that Christ’s love to enough to overcome whatever it is they’re facing.
The Water is Rising // It seams like water themed songs are a necessity for a worship album now. This song speaks of the movement of God in the lives of people. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves and our churches that God is not just a lofty concept to hear about through scripture but is actively bring people to Himself.
It’s Your Love // Super fun for guitar player! The bridge is really easy to catch and sings about the freedom that we have in Christ.
Sing it Again // This track brings in the driving electric guitar that Planetshakers is known for. You definitely want the tracks for this one or a stellar keys player who’s up for a challenge. The bridge has a big guitar and keys solo that would be a ton of fun if your congregation is up for it and your team has the chops.
You // I’d give this one a go simply for the applied chord used in the chorus but that’s the music geek in me talking. There’s a lot of forward momentum in this song and I think it’s pretty easy for the congregation to catch.
Holy // This one tags on the back of “You” and drives home the bridge. There’s a fun vocal descant that you could give to one of your vocalists as an example of how to move toward proclaiming truth through song.
He Touched Me // This follows up both “You” and “Holy” so be sure to listen to all of them in one chunk. These three together really form one big song.
Your Presence // There’s huge value in spending more time abiding in Christ. “Your Presence” speaks to this truth and give opportunity for your congregation to declare their desire to be in the presence of God.
Look to You // Another song with a great groove to use to open your service. Your team will have a lot of fun with it and your congregation will be able to catch on to the melody quickly. The chorus really lends itself to dancing.
Abba Father // Yet another simple ballad to add to your repertoire. There’s a lot of cool strings stuff going on so you may want to grab the tracks, although you could get by without.
who played bass on the Album