If you know me at all you know I’m a huge Hillsong fan, both Live and United, even London. Their albums, when they release, are playing through the speakers in my car on day one probably for a good month straight. When I heard about Young & Free I was super excited to see what may be in store for this new generation. Then when they released their first single I started to have reservations. Is this the Hillsong that I knew? Is this the same Hillsong that wrote classics like “from the Inside out” and “Mighty to save”? I had mixed emotions for sure. Now, having the album “We are Young and Free”, I have started to really grow to love it. With its dance/electronic feel it is definitely different than a common hillsong album. I believe this generation of Hillsong is going to pave the way, at least for more mainstream churches/worship. Just as UNITED did.
In this review I’m hoping to accomplish a few things. First I want to look at if a song is even really feasible in a worship atmosphere. Second, What type of worship environment is it suited for and finally just the overall value of the song and if its singable and inviting to a congregation.
Obviously this song is an opener. Right off the bat we hear that modern synth and electric drums going off. One of those songs that causes you to want to just jump around. It is feasible for worship if you have the team and equipment for it and I feel the youth would especially love it. Sounds very “today”.
“You are alive in us” What an appropriate name and lyric for the feel of the song.Once again the song opens with a nice track/ synth. The simple drum beat opens it up and makes it very inviting to sing to. Another song that’s an opener and just makes you want to jump. I feel the same as I did about “Brighter”, Feasible for worship depending on equipment and maybe even try and pull it off with the instrumentation you do have. Be creative!
Here it is! the moment we’ve all been waiting for, at least guitarists. They finally have something to do that sticks out, opening with a nice lead and continuing its presence in the build before the whats that? Synth lead. But definitely another opener.
This song has a little more of a groove to it and is a bit less jumping and dancing but would seem fun to sing in a congregational setting. I believe it would also be great with more simple instrumentation… not needing all the tracks and whatnot if not available. Just a little creativity. Favorite lyrics? “Jesus forever, You’ve Forgiven my failure”
With the inviting feeling of this song at the beginning, this song is one of my favorites in the whole album. Seems easy to sing and congregationally friendly. “He who formed all things offers love to me”. I get a very 80’s vibe from this song more than the others and that may be part of the reason I enjoy it so much. Seems very easy to make work in any worship setting and even as an acoustic song. Has a great and singable bridge.
This song is great especially if you have a strong female singer amongst your ranks. Another very singable song with great instrumentation that I believe can be shaped to fit into your worship atmosphere with a little creativity. Another great bridge. I love the drop out after the bridge and those toms tho.
Probably my favorite on this whole album. That “Rhodes”ish tone is great. For some reason I get the Bethel feel from the song, not that I am a huge Bethel fan but the feel of this song is just great and it definitely allows for an intimate time with God. The lyrics and melody line also very poetic and thoughtful in my opinion. Allows for a great time of reflection. Plan on doing this in the ministries I’m in charge of/involved in if possible and even be creative with it. Maybe throwing in a build but the beginning of the song definitely having that same feeling as the beginning . ” a downpour of unending grace, consuming all my reckless ways”. Definitely a song for all worship environments with the right arrangement and creativity.
“I sing Your praise louder and louder” This is a very inviting song to sing to our God. Just that simple lyric says it all and the song declares who He is. The chant just tops it off,kind of like a mini “with everything”. Definitely a song worth trying even if its just acoustic.
This song seems like it could easily be a big hit, especially once again if you have a strong female leader/singer. Catchy chant and easy, simple lyrics that would be especially affective for a youth worship atmosphere. It could also be very affective in your average worship service because its not too jumpy and fancy for the older folks if they don’t like to get down at your church. Solid filler song.
As far as this album goes, this song is probably my least favorite. Doesn’t seem to go anywhere in my opinion. Seems like one of those songs they just put on the album because they wrote it and needed another song on the album. Who knows though every church is different and it may work for yours. You know your congregation better than I.
Another one of my favorites. Love the piano lead and the whole idea of embers, flames, and fire. A lot of times we look at these things as a resemblance of hell but I like to think of the spirit and it burning brighter in us. Just like the day of pentecost.”As ember fans into flame, I’m revived within Your Name” I feel like in this time we need a revival all over this world and this song really encourages that through the Holy Spirit. Love the teaser chant towards the beginning of the song and then the synth lead and the bigger chant before the bridge. I feel like this song could probably be done even without the track and a little creativity. Definitely a song to try!
Another one of my favorites on this album and a great way to end this album (besides the studio tracks). Love the raw feeling of just the keys and vocals at the beginning, makes it very encouraging to the congregation to sing. I love how unique it is with just the piano and vocals until deep into the song. Then that huge hit from the toms=Spirit Bumps. I believe its very singable and could be tried in many worship settings including an acoustic setting with just a piano and an acoustic guitar.
I feel this will be another Hillsong album that goes into the “use as many of the songs from the album that I can” category. It’s all generally catchy and if you can’t afford and/or your church doesn’t have the ability for tracks I believe its still possible to do. Give it a shot! Obviously this whole review is very opinionated, and as I stated at the beginning, from a perspective of a man who is basically a Hillsong “Fanboy”. I believe that this generation of hillsong, from what I can tell from their music, is just as in love with their Saviour (Yes I spelled Saviour like that on purpose) as all the other Hillsong teams and you can see it in their music. They just want to produce and write music that can unite a part of a generation that may be lost. Use it to draw a generation and people that may never enter a church unless drawn by this style of music. It can change peoples lives! God bless and thanks for reading my rant and review!
Hillsong Young & Free tore it up at #HillsongConf LA. Already loved ‘End of Days’ upon entering conference, although they didn’t play it, I then fell in love with ‘Sinking Deep’. Going to have to lead ‘Sinking Deep’ very very soon for sure.
That is a fantastic song!
I’m glad to hear I wasn’t the only dedicated Hillsong fan that had reservations. I haven’t bought it, but after reading this review I think I will need to buy it soon.
It’s worth the, I believe, 10 bucks 🙂 trust me
Young & Free is amazing. It is paving the way for how worship will sound the next five to ten years as the “electronic” sound will blend more and more with the previous contemporary sound. Can stop listening to this album. Thanks for the honest review!
You should probably look at lyrical content and not just the “feel” and “tone” of music. Worship music isn’t just about the sound but also about what truths (or not) and doctrines it is teaching us. To me, this is just hype music, building emotions and passions, not much depth at all..