Album: Kingdom Come
Artist: Bryan & Katie Torwalt
Label: Jesus Culture Music
Release Date: October 15, 2013
Following Bryan and Katie’s first album Here on Earth that brought us great songs such as “Holy Spirit”, “He is Faithful” and “I Breathe You In, God”, Kingdom Come is nothing short of spectacular. The Torwalts bring us yet another album we can play on repeat, with each song creating a desire for us worship leaders to want to play on the next Sunday. One of the things I love about these two is that they display a variety of songs for both women and men to lead, and none have ranges that may be deemed too high (like Tomlin, Hillsong, etc).
“He is Light” // A solid start to the album begins with this great song of declaration. A song that reminds us all of who God is, and what He does. It’s a simple and straightforward song vocally, as well as instrumentally. The bridge repeats the same two lines, building throughout. It then goes into a strong final chorus. This one is definitely a song that can easily translate into a congregational hit.
King of The Earth // This upbeat track sung by Katie is kicked off by some great tom work by their drummer. It’s a steady build to the chorus, which really opens up into an Ellie Goulding sounding dance song (with the ooh’s in the background). Nonetheless it’s a solid song. One that may be more difficult to lead congregationally, but I know you all can find a way. It’s also great to think that we “Join with the angels to sing [God’s] praise” as all of Heaven is singing along as well. Great thoughts behind this song.
Weight of Glory // Slow piano chords intro us into this more somber song. Into the chorus comes a simple lead guitar line that holds true to the environment of the song as we ask God to allow the “weight of glory to settle on us”. The second verse introduces a synth bass line, but still retains the contemplative side of this song. The song really opens up coming into the bridge, as it sings, “open up ye Heavenly gates. Be open wide you ancient doors”. The song itself is straightforward simple and a song you’d love to just turn the lights down and sing to.
When You Walk Into the Room // This song paints a great picture of God walking into the room and the response of our hearts and souls. The lead guitar sounds pretty identical to the sound of it in Weight of Glory. “All this is for You, Jesus” is a great ending to the chorus that reminds ourselves that everything we are is for Him. As typical with most worship songs, it’s a build/drop/build song. Halfway through the second verse this song really picks up to a driving second chorus that drops to a very quiet building bridge to a big final chorus.
Shores // At the start of this song, you get a good feeling about it with the up-tempo synth-key hits that guide it. And I’ll tell you what, it doesn’t let you down. The chorus however is something different than you may have expected (or maybe it’s just me). It boldly declares “Freedom take hold of my heart, Spirit of God come fill this place” and “Jesus You’re all the I want, Have your way”. It’s a wonderful chorus that continues to a second verse quite akin to the first, minus the added percussion. The bridge is much like others, a very quite first time through, to a big build for percussion led chorus. The chorus is the winner for this song, a chorus you can hear your whole church singing loudly.
Spirit of the Living God // We are intro’d into the song with a synth bass line and a simple lead guitar. Sounds similar to songs off of Hillsong United’s Zion. This synth/guitar continues through the verse. A powerful two-line chorus is all it takes to draw us into this song. The bridge yells “Spirit break in, come fill this place.” This line, repeated multiple times opens our hearts as we respond to that with hallelujahs.
I Will Trust You // This chorus just grabs you. “I will trust You, all my hope is found in Your love. I will trust You, my whole life is found in Your love”. It’s a great duet between the two. A song that is emotionally moving and thought provoking as we emphasize how good our great God is, and how we trust in Him. This song is one that we will find ourselves wanting to play as soon as possible. It feels a lot like Holy Spirit felt when listening to it for the first time. A song that you can’t help but sing with arms open in surrender. Definitely my favorite of the album.
Worthy King // You know it’s about to get fresh when a song starts with a ‘kick kick-snare, kick snare’ beat. Katie doesn’t fail to deliver either. Two lead guitar lines walk us into this awesome Gospel sounding chorus. Almost sounds like an angel choir just singing in the background. The instrumentation compliments this punchy bridge that leads us back into the chorus.
Let Every Heart // Awesome lead guitar line paired with a kick drum brings us into this song. “Let every heart, let every soul, praise You Lord. All of the earth, all of creation, praise Your name.” What a solid chorus that is then followed by a “hey!” that really gets us jamming. This a solid set opener that invites us to sing with the earth and with each other to praise His holy name. And then there’s the bridge. High-hat snare beat that just rocks. I know this is a song I’m going to want to play over, and over, oh, and over again. Two thumbs up here.
It Was Finished // A smooth pad just guides us into Katie’s vocals accompanied by a solid acoustic piano. This song guides us in remembrance of that importance and weight of the cross, the chorus proclaiming, “Hallelujah, He has conquered death. We cry holy, He reigns in all the earth”. This song stays soft for the entirety of the song. A great communion service morning type of song.
Burn // This song gets a little bit country, with a little bit of John Mayer thrown in as well. The intro sounds much like a country song may and a slide guitar finds its way into the second verse. This song is more of a hymn type of feel, with no meaty chorus, like most other worship songs. The lines “Burn in my Spirit, burn in my soul, O God, burn in me” may be considered it though, however it tags along to a chorus much like a hymn may. The bridge really opens up]]>
Worship Review // Bryan & Katie Torwalt // Kingdom Come