Here’s our worship breakdown for Bellarive’s latest, Before There Was
Let There Be Light // this song serves as a great opener for the album and would work well to kick off your church service. There are a lot of cool synth things going on so be sure to challenge your players to emulate or get a hold of a backing track if you’re looking to do it like the recording. Don’t be afraid to step away from the instrumentation on the album though.
Your Great Love // “in the darkness, in the pain, hope is rising.” This song serves as a reminder that the trouble of this world are eclipsed by the sacrifice of Christ for each of us.
Calling on Fire // the lyrics for this ballad would work really well toward he end of a set. The chorus really drives and is easy to catch on to.
Lazarus // this one is a really fun picture of Lazarus’s rising from the dead. It may not go over as a congregational song but you could really tell a great story with it if it fit your service.
Save Us // This track is another journey of a song. There are portions that are quite singable but your church will largely be listening if you do this one.
I Belong to You // It’s important to help our people understand that we belong to Christ. He’s right there with us and knows all of our fears and failures. He loves us completely. Use this song to remind your congregation of this great truth.
Bring us Back // This one starts win some really fun guitar and bass riffs and picks up the energy of the album after the string of ballads. You could open your set with this one and remind your people of Christ’s amazing grace.
Chains // There’s a great truth in the lyrics of this song. It recognizes that if Jesus is able to conquer the grave he is able to conquer whatever it is in our lives that are separating us from him.
Hallelujah to Saving Grace // Another great reminder of the victory of Jesus over the grave and the grace that’s afforded to us.
Only You Can Raise the Dead // This one starts with a really cool vibe and tight vocal harmonies. There’s power in recognizing that only Jesus has the power to raise us from the dead.
Caught in the Middle // I really dig the speak song cadence of the verses for this one. Give this song a go if your congregation is in to groups like Citizens. Your team will have their work cut out for them to make this one right.
From the Very Start // God knew us before we ever knew Him. He loved us and made a way for us to know Him. This song could serve as a special portion of the service to illuminate this truth.
Worship Review // Bellarive // Before There Was
Here’s our worship breakdown for Bellarive’s latest, Before There WasLet There Be Light // this song serves as a great opener for the album and would work well to kick off your church service. There are a lot of cool synth things going on so be sure to challenge your players to emulate or get a …
Only you can raise the dead… Most awesome worship song. So glad I found it because this song opened up the spirit of worship in me at 4 in the morning and gave me such a touch with Him. Hallelujah!