When situations in life fly in from nowhere and continue to pummel us, it can become very easy for us to clench our tiny fists, shake them at the sky, and say, “Why me, Lord?!?”
Maybe instead of throwing our fists of rage at the sky and shouting at God for what’s happening to us, we can try another approach: If we unclench those fists, hit our knees, and through tears of confusion and pain lay it all at Christ’s feet by extending our hands to Him and request, “Teach Me, Lord!,” then we may be in a better position for healing to begin.
I firmly believe that once we are followers of Christ, everything that happens – no matter how small – is used to shape us and mold us into the unique person He has called us to become. [Romans 8:28]. What might make sense to us as a “resolution” to our problems is probably not even CLOSE to the lessons and blessings He has planned. All I have to say to that is, “Thank God!”.
The more we follow His still-small voice, the more He is able to strip us of the things that seem to make sense to us. When He does this, He opens us up to letting grace take over, and ultimately truly living by faith.
If we think about it simply, the more PROOF there is, the less FAITH is required. So if all the paths that we take can be plotted by our tiny little minds, the less we are living by faith. If we allow faith to lead us and continue to let the light of truth guide us, we can be in a much better position to unclench our fists, ditch the anger, and truly give everything to Him by asking him to “teach us”.
So if something is going wrong in your life at the moment, instead of shouting, “Why Me?!?,” petition Him: “Teach me!”
Excellent thought. Needed this.