I started playing on our church worship team when I was 12, and I was TERRIBLE! Looking back now, I am super thankful that everyone invested in the talent that God had given to me. And I think we all know the feeling of starting from the bottom and having to learn through making mistakes. Yet here we are, leading worship in front of tens, hundreds, even thousands of people. Our culture has insanely idolized anyone standing on a stage, in front of a camera, etc etc. That being said, it can be very easy to look at our work on stage and think, ‘I’ve done very well!’
Sometimes people approach me after church or worship and say something along the lines of, ‘Hey man great job!’. For me this is not a problem but what I would MUCH rather hear is, ‘Man, what anointed worship!’, or ‘Man, God really moved!’ It give me such a sense of accomplishment hearing that I was able to be used to get others closer to God. Being brutally honest, there have been times in my life when I was on stage for myself. But those were back in my teen years when I knew everything and didn’t need anything.
Matthew 25:14 tells us the parable of the talents. In those times, a talent was a unit of money. Quite a bit of money, actually. The Master blessed three men with these ‘talents’ and each man invested them differently. As for me, I want to invest my ‘talents’ as wisely and effectively as possible. This includes practice, purity, worship, and humility. We have been so blessed by the Lord and entrusted with these talents in order to bring praise to His name. Let’s do something great with what God has given us!
We’ve all heard it from our parent or grandparent. Pride comes before a fall. And nothing could ring more true. God assigned Lucifer as the worship leader in Heaven (Ezekiel 28:13), and his pride made him literally think he could surpass God. That means the Devil knows the power of worship, and more importantly knows how to tempt worship leaders and teams into a life of pride and a false sense of accomplishment. He’s good at what he does because he has literally done it before.
Proverbs 11:12; When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. I’ve searched my Bible and can’t find anywhere the verse that says to be proud of what we have accomplished. Rather, it says in 1 Corinthians 1:31; Let one who boasts boast in the Lord. I’m amazed with what God has done in my life and the ways which He has been able to use me. I’m just a kid behind a drum set, operating in humility to the best of my ability. God does the rest.