We can never over-emphasize focusing on the heart of the worship leader because honestly, this is what is on display each week. Our heart is the place where our passion dwells and our conviction speaks. It is the place where honesty is the only reality. Our heart is the place where everything we care about and hold dear is kept. It is the place where worship flows.
We must understand that God does not delight in our songs alone or our talents. He is not impressed with our best efforts of acting spiritual. We may be able to fool others, but we cannot fool Him. If our hearts aren’t flowing with adoration and allegience to Jesus than none of it matters to God. Jesus speaks of this heartless worship in Matthew 15:8-9. He says, “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.”
God delights in those whose hearts are set on and consumed with Him (Matt. 5:8). He delights in the heart that pursues after Him over all other things because it knows that He alone is greater (John 8:12). He delights in the heart that is eternally satisfied in Him and needs no other (John 4:14). When a heart is controlled and consumed by Jesus, great things happen. Eternal things happen! “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, “Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:38). This is where we should desire to be as worship leaders. This is where we need to be if we want our congregations to encounter Jesus each week and be impacted by God’s eternal love and grace. It is important for worship leaders to have 1) a heart for God 2) a heart for the flock 3) a heart to teach 4) and a heart to serve.
A Heart For God
“One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple.” Psalm 27:4
Our passion for knowing God and being near to Him must be supreme in our lives. Many worship leaders confuse their love for music or performance with their love for God. Just because we are passionate about the “act” of our worship doesn’t mean that we are passionate about the “source” of our worship. This is evident when the amount of time preparing the music, rehearsing the songs, and perfecting the presentation far outweighs the amount of time spent with God preparing the heart. We must always be examining our hearts and evaluating our motives when we are planning a set or leading a set. What a person loves the most is what they will worship (Matt. 6:21).
A Heart For The Flock
“I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep.” John 10:14-15
Worship leading starts off the stage! It starts with a heart for God and a heart for His people. The ability to lead, influence, and have the trust of a congregation doesn’t come with a title or a position. It develops when the people see that the worship leader has a heart for them and is invested in them. Sadly, there are too many worship leaders today who would rather lead from a distance desiring the reputation of the platform without the responsibility of leadership. Jesus speaks of these type of leaders in John 10:13-14 as He is explaining the importance of being known by your flock. In stark contrast to the good shepherd, the “hired hand” cares nothing for the flock and is only serving out of selfish gain. We need more shepherds in our churches and less hired hands.
A Heart To Teach
“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” Colossians 1:28
Our job as worship leaders isn’t to gain a great fan base within our congregations or to be the superstar among the pre-teens in our church. Our job is to be Jesus’ witnesses by preaching and teaching through His power. We have been placed in a position of influence and as good stewards of that influence, we must teach, equip, and instruct our people in the same way that Jesus did. Satan will use anything to distract God’s people from worshiping Him and one of the biggest tools he uses is ignorance. If we don’t truly understand who God is and what He is like… then we will not worship Him fully. If we don’t understand who we are and the depravity of our situation… then we will never see our great need for Jesus. If we don’t understand God’s amazing grace and all that Jesus has accomplished for us… then we will not walk in freedom and victory. Jesus understood this better than anyone and He knew that the best defense against ignorance is knowledge.
A Heart To Serve
“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
Worship leaders must have a true desire to serve and pour themselves out for the sake of God being magnified in the lives of His people. The greatest example of this willingness to be emptied out is revealed when Jesus pours Himself out for us in Philippians 2:6-8. John the Baptist is another example of someone who’s entire ministry was built around serving one who was greater… Jesus. John prepared the way for Jesus and we, as worship leaders, are called to do the same thing. There is definitely a battle of flesh versus spirit here. Our flesh tells us that leaders don’t serve, but rather, are served. Our world tells us that power means privelege and there is a separation between those in power and those without it. However, Jesus teaches us something completely different. He tells us that the “last shall be first, and the first shall be last” (Matt. 20:16) and to “count others more significant than ourselves” (Phil. 2:3-4). We can never forget that our job is to always point to someone greater!
Wow, what great and humbling words. Thanks!
Great reminders here!
Thanks so much for sharing, Pastor Spence!