I remember wondering (quite a few years ago) – when I noticed some churches had Jesus on the cross, and others didn’t have him on the cross – why there was a difference in the two ways the cross was displayed. I guess the subtle difference in the manner in which it was displayed kinda caught up to me after a while. Then, I found out that the difference is that some denominations display Him on the cross to emphasize Christ dying for our sins, while others display and empty cross to focus on the resurrection. If I were to ask people which is most important to use in worship, I imagine some may say that displaying Christ on the cross is more important… while others would say that the empty cross is more important. Which one is correct? I don’t know. But I do know that while symbolism is VERY much used by God in both the old and new Testaments, He specifically warned us about having a misplaced value of objects take away from the true focus of worship and, in a way, becoming objects of worship in themselves. [Deut 4:15-31]. The line, therefore, may be when elements of worship become”important” enough to create discord.
There are many aspects of the “sensory” world that can have a subtle impact on our focus during worship. Background noise like children crying, wind blowing through the trees outside the window, the songs selected for worship… Heck, even the temperature of the sanctuary can factor into worship, and we can become distracted from the message and from our focus during worship.
Does it matter where the cross is? Should it be back-lit? Should we have a cross displayed as an icon in a corner of the screens? We could even have the cross placed in front of the pastor while he gives the message… I don’t know the answers… I never will. So I will continue to listen when family members relay their dissatisfaction about an element of Sunday’s worship. I hear them every week – every service. While I might choose to consider these negative critiques as distracting from MY worship, I will, instead, just be overjoyed that the Holy Spirit led me to church to worship Him… and relish in His love – which we share for each other. Keep the hugs and handshakes coming… THAT is what feeds me.