I’ve noticed a lot of talk about liturgy lately. The only problem is that it’s become very philosophical and some people are just dancing around what it is. You can read some excellent books on the historical and theological background for liturgy, but it becomes too much for quick blog snippets, worship magazine articles and our short attention spans today. Just being honest. I’m right there with you. It’s easy to then get defensive for your style of worship and prove which one is right. I’m not going to go there either, because many forms of worship and flow are leading people to Christ everyday.
Here’s the thing I’m realizing… some people like the idea of throwing in some old chants, songs, rewritten hymns or scripture to liturgicalize (new word alert) their worship. Then others are looking to understand why we use a liturgy and how they could practically apply it to their worship services for the faith strengthening and growth of their congregation.
There is nothing wrong with the first group, because adding into your worship service tried-and-true music and lyrics that the church has sung for generations doesn’t ever hurt. They’re beautiful and scriptural. But, I have to ask. If you’re going to do it, shouldn’t you know why?
If that’s you, let’s dig a little deeper and look at two things in this blog:
1. A quick background on liturgy and how it began.
2. An analogy for liturgy: a journey or relationship of worship.
The English term liturgy comes from the Greek word leitourgia. Its roots are leos (people) and ergon (work). Basically, it means public work or public service. The Greeks who translated the Hebrew Old Testament began using the term to describe sacrificial rites in the Temple of Jerusalem. It was a service of the people to God. Over time, it became common use in both the secular and religious sectors.
After Constantine opened up Christianity to the Roman Empire, Christians were free to bring their liturgy to the streets. This “work of the people” became a journey of worship through their loving relationship with The Creator. They literally walked from place to place based on that location’s reminder of what God has done in their lives. It may have been a sacred place, a statue which reminded them of God’s grace, a baptismal font, a painting that reminds them of their need for mercy, etc. Later, those works (which symbolized many scriptures telling the history of God’s relationship with His followers) became songs, hymns, spoken creeds, prayers and portions of our common liturgy.
The Analogy
(The specific part of the liturgy is listed under each section of the analogy story.)
You go over to a friend’s house, but you don’t just walk in. You greet each other by name and embrace your friend. Then you discuss what you’re excited about doing together that day. (Welcome, Invocation and Collect)
There are times when you and your friend may have had a disagreement or there’s tension. We’ve all been there before. You want to work it out before really getting comfortable to avoid having to keep your distance throughout the night. You share your concerns humbly and your friend forgives you. That relationship is restored. (Confession and Absolution)
With the air cleared, your heart feels lighter and you can kick on some tunes and really enjoy yourself! (Praise and Thanksgiving Songs)
Conversation begins to grow and you start sharing more about yourselves: your life, your joys, your fears and your stories. (Scripture readings for the day, Congregational Prayers from the Pastor, Responsive Prayers and the Lord’s Prayer)
If your friend has shared something important with you, that relationship is strengthened when you publicly affirm your acceptance and support of your friend. There’s a commitment to the relationship and others witness it. That’s a powerful thing. (Historic Christian creeds/statements of faith: Athanasian, Nicene and Apostles.)
You may bond over a meal. We know that food always brings us together. (Communion – the ultimate meal)
You get into deeper conversations and truths about your lives. Now you can wrestle with these ideas and speak love and wisdom into each other. This is where the analogy falls apart. God is the one speaking through the Pastor. We are listening.(Sermon/Message)
With a relationship so rich as this, how could you not be moved to give gifts to your friend? You’ve shared so much, the desire just pours out from your thankful heart. (Offering)
You leave feeling filled, forgiven, encouraged, warmed and with the inspiration to share the same so that others can know what we have experienced. So you thank your wonderful friend, who sends you on your way with their love. (Benediction)
There is so much more to say about liturgy, it’s use, history and more specific parts, but hopefully this gives a good overview of its power in our worship lives. Liturgy helps us live out our redeemed relationship and journey with God each week in a beautiful way.
NOTE: I’m planning to explain the background and use of many of these liturgical pieces in following blogs, as well as practical ways you can include them in your services right now. I will also be outlining our modern/liturgical style of worship flow.
Hi Seth,
Thanks for writing this. It is obvious to me that you believe that worship is something we, as Christians, want to do because we have the opportunity of visiting our friend at his house. I think it would be appropriate in this case to point out that God is that friend and it is His house because God is the One who gives us the faith which leads us to want to worship Him!
I like the way the Introduction to “Lutheran Worship” on page 6 begins with “Our Lord speaks and we listen. His Word bestows what it says. Faith that is born from what is heard acknowledges the gifts received with eager thankfulness and praise. Music is drawn into this thankfulness and praise, enlarging and elevating the adoration of our gracious giver God.”
The following are the first sentences in the paragraphs that follow:
“Saying back to him what he has said to us, we repeat what is most true and sure…
“The rhythm of our worship is from him to us, and then from us back to him…
Since worship provides us with wonderful opportunities to gather with other Christians and those the Holy Spirit brings to hear the Word of God, we are blessed when God speaks to us. Unless you think of God as your friend your analogy also breaks down when the pastor speaks the absolution and the Scriptures are read and Holy Communion is celebrated. Our gracious God is speaking through the pastor to us, His Word is spoken as the Scriptures are read, and he gives Christ’s body and blood and bread and wine for our spiritual benefit.
We worship to be spiritually refreshed and renewed by our God, our friend, and we are privileged to share this time with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Thanks again why the liturgy is important and beneficial for our spiritual refreshment and renewal!
You’re welcome, I’m so glad you liked the post! I appreciate your thoughts and comments.
Yes, you’re right, the analogy is quite loose and can fall apart, because our God is the only one true God and there’s no one or anything like Him. So, how do we find an analogy that He can fit in? We can’t!
I just hope this post reframes liturgy as a specific tool that we can use to engage in our relationship with God during worship. It’s definitely in his house and we’re the visitor who does a lot of listening and receiving, but just like you said, there is a “rhythm” of sharing between us and God. It’s beautiful and it reflects all that He has done and is doing in our lives.
I pray that, as pastors and worship leaders, we humbly and intentionally shepherd God’s flock, so that worship has meaning and builds faith in all believers. Hopefully liturgical study can be one of many ways we can do that!