What’s your biggest fear? Mine was insignificance, not being able to make an impact on people and helping them in their calling. I felt unable to find an avenue to pursue this and feared that God wasn’t going to use me due to some hidden sin that had disqualified me. The only thing these fears had in common was that they were all unfounded and false. I was eating up lies the enemy was feeding me, forgetting the truth of God’s Word and the promises He had given earlier. Like with discouragement, I was ignoring worship as a daily weapon to fight them.
The acronym FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real really applies in a godly life. Fear is an emotion, but according to Jeremiah 17:9 our emotions lie and the heart truly is the most deceitful of all things. In fact, when we study our circumstances with a sound mind, behind all our fears is a lie we’ve believed. God tells us not to fear and promises to be with us and give us strength in Isaiah 41:10.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (NIV)
The words “do not fear” are in the Bible over and over again, and in John 14:27 spoken by Jesus Himself. Fear is nothing but a smokescreen our flesh and the enemy spread to discourage us from pursuing our Promised Land, which God will give us in His perfect time. When Moses sent the 12 scouts into the land before they were to overtake it in Numbers 13-14, 10 of them returned with fear in their hearts. They were only able to see giants and insurmountable obstacles though they were holding the very fruit they had brought with them. Fear had blinded all but two of them, Joshua and Caleb. These two courageous men believed in God’s promises and worshiped Him through their faith. As a result, they got to see the Promised Land 40 years later.
Mark Twain once said that courage isn’t the lack of fear, but acting in spite of it. A great example of worship defeating fear is in Acts 5:40-42, when the apostles were flogged, released and denied to speak in the name of Jesus again. Instead, they rejoiced for the honor of suffering like the Lord did and never stopped. They worshiped God through giving thanks and having joy in their hearts, though their backs were ripped open. They should have feared, but instead had joy, because they were living in God’s Kingdom. A friend of mine said recently that our eternity has already begun. What a statement! When we are saved, we no longer live with a worldly, fearful perspective. When we grasp the fact that we live in God’s eternal kingdom, we are only getting started! David in Psalms 118:6 says:
“The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” (NIV)
We fear so many things like the future, failure, conflicts, rejection, making decisions or losing our job. Fortunately, fear loses its power when we live in God’s Kingdom and worship Him in spirit and in truth instead of believing the lies. This eternal perspective fills us through worship as God fills us with His Spirit and presence. Remember that God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2. Tim. 1:7). Embrace His goodness by worshiping him by placing Him first in your life and lifting Him up in song when you struggle. Make Him first at the start and end of your day, and He will help you by renewing your mind and placing your emotions firmly below Himself and your healthy thinking. Fear will lose control of you and no longer dictate the path you will take, and you will never lose the wonder of living for His glory.
God led me to your blog in my quiet time with Him this morning. What a gifted writer you are, Petri! Thank you for being a blessing to my day. I’m certain I’ll be reading more of your writings. Abundant blessings to you!
Hi Stephanie, sorry it took months to answer you, but here goes! Thank you so much for letting me know you found solace in God’s words and promises. I’m excited about what He has in store for you, stay the course!